Tag - JavaScript

Web Development Project Ideas for Beginners

10 Web Development Project Ideas for Beginners

Getting started in a career as a web developer? There's no better way to learn web development than to learn by building real web development projects. The benefits of learning by doing real projects are enormous. We’ve put together a list of web development project ideas for beginners that will hopefully give you some inspiration, whether...

ReactJS vs React Native Differences

ReactJS vs React Native – What’s the Difference?

React Native and ReactJS are two different frameworks but they have some common features. As a beginner, you might get confused initially and wonder what is the difference between ReactJS and React Native? In short, ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces whereas React Native takes the same concept and applies it to...

Popular JavaScript Frameworks

10+ Popular JavaScript Frameworks and Uses

This article is written in order to provide you with insights into the most popular JavaScript frameworks and their use. But before starting to mention the widely used JavaScript framework, let us ask you a question: how many websites are there in the world? And how many of them are using JavaScript? The answer might surprise...

Career Opportunities in JavaScript

Career Opportunities in JavaScript [2022]

The demand for skilled JavaScript developers has skyrocketed in the past few years and the number of tech companies that offer opportunities to build web applications multiplies daily. The thrill that comes with knowing that your job is to create something useful, creative, and visually appealing with JavaScript cannot be matched by any other...

JavaScript Interview Questions

JavaScript Common Interview Questions and Answers

The giant tech firms such as Facebook, Google, PayPal, and others use JavaScript for building complex web applications and it is the most efficient and widely-used programming language for building software. Due to its ever-growing usage and popularity in the tech world, many people are aspiring to build their careers in JavaScript. And, if you...