7+ Best Python IDEs and Code Editors

Python IDEs and Code Editors

7+ Best Python IDEs and Code Editors

There are numerous Python IDEs and Code Editors out there. Some are better than others in terms of usability, functionality, and learning curve.

However, it can be overwhelming for beginners if you’re trying to find the right IDE or Code Editor for Python as per your needs.

An ideal Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) should have the following features:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Auto code completion
  • Auto code formatting
  • In-built debugging support
  • Quick error detection
  • Cross-platform
  • Interactive console, etc.

And, an ideal Python Code Editor should have the following features:

  • Compatible with Python
  • Python debugging support
  • Quick and responsive
  • Clean and user-friendly interface
  • Cross-platform
  • Python syntax highlighting, etc.

In this article, we will be examining some of the best Python IDEs and Code Editors in the market along with an explanation as to why they made it on the list.

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Best IDEs for Python

The best Python IDEs are designed to make the language’s syntax as simple to use as possible. These tools make coding in Python an efficient and fun experience – especially for novice programmers.

Let’s take a look:

1. Spyder

Available for: Windows, Linux, macOS

Learn more: https://www.spyder-ide.org/

Spyder is an open-source Python IDE that supports both Python 2 and Python 3 versions. Some of the interesting features of the IDE include:

  • Automatic code completion
  • In-built debugging support
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Testing facility support
  • Code coverage and analysis tools
  • IPython console
  • Chart plotting and data manipulation
  • Support for Python data science libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, etc.

Spyder is completely cross-platform and runs on Windows, macOS, as well as on Linux. It supports many other popular Python libraries too. The IDE provides a syntax checking feature that ensures the correct formatting of the program you’re writing in Python Language.

It’s highly recommended for beginners.

Also read: Steps to Get Started to Data Science as a Beginner

2. PyCharm

Available for: Windows, Linux, macOS

Learn more: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/

With plenty of built-in functionalities and a huge library of plugins, PyCharm by JetBrains becomes an excellent tool for Python developers. It supports all the major versions of Python.

Some of the interesting features of PyCharm are:

  • Customization UI
  • Fast and safe code refactoring
  • Auto code completion
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Live code checking
  • In-built powerful debugger
  • Database tools
  • Supports popular web technologies and frameworks
  • Version control

When installing PyCharm, you’ll have two options — one, PyCharm Community Version which is free and more than enough for all of us, and two, PyCharm Professional Version which is paid and has extra features.

PyCharm can be used by beginners as well as experts.


Available for: Windows, Linux, macOS

Learn more: https://docs.python.org/3/library/idle.html

IDLE is a Python IDE, which means it’s built specifically for Python programming. IDLE includes tools that let you write, run and test your code. It’s a very simple, lightweight IDE with few features, making it easy to learn and use.

Some features of the IDLE Python IDE are:

  • Integrated debugger
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Auto code completion
  • Smart code indentation
  • Multi-window editor
  • Interactive interpreter
  • Stepping support

IDLE is suitable for beginners and not recommended for bigger projects.

4. PyDev

Available for: Windows, Linux, macOS, GNU, Solaris

Learn more: https://www.pydev.org/

PyDev is a plugin that converts the popular Java IDE Eclipse into a fully-fledged Python IDE. PyDev also comes with the support for Jython, CPython, and IronPython. Not to mention, it supports all the major versions of Python.

Some of the interesting features of PyDev are:

  • Auto code completion and code analysis
  • Code refactoring and navigation
  • Django, PyLint, and Unittest integration
  • Interactive console
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Powerful debugger

If you’re working with Django, PyDev can be a great choice.

5. Thonny

Available for: Windows, Linux, macOS

Learn more: https://thonny.org/

Thonny is a free, open-source Python IDE for beginners (because of its distraction-free interface). The IDE has a built-in debugger and interpreter and it also supports interactive shell and code completion.

Some of the interesting features of Thonny are:

  • Interactive shell
  • Auto code completion
  • Syntax highlighting and error detection
  • Expression evaluation
  • Simple and lightweight
  • Requires less computing resources

Thonny is strictly for beginners and not recommended for experts or for bigger projects.

Python Code Editors

Best Code Editors for Python

Let’s take a look at the best code editors that are highly recommended for Python.

1. Visual Studio Code

Available for: Windows, Linux, macOS

Learn more: https://code.visualstudio.com/

Visual Studio Code is a code editor developed by Microsoft for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. It comes with excellent support for Python.

Some interesting features of Visual Studio Code are:

  • IntelliSense feature helps you complete Python statements automatically
  • Python codes can be debugged inside the code editor itself
  • Huge extension support makes it easy to extend the code editor’s functionalities
  • In-built terminal to launch server commands and other useful commands

Visual Studio Code is an ideal code editor, not just the beginners but also for experts. It can also be used to code in other languages too.

2. Sublime Text

Available for: Windows, Linux, macOS

Learn more: https://www.sublimetext.com/

With its straightforward and easy-to-use interface, Sublime Text is considered the most beginner-friendly code editor for coding in Python. It’s very lightweight and doesn’t take much computing resources.

Some of the interesting features of the Sublime Text code editor are:

  • The distraction-free and minimal interface lets you focus only on the code
  • Side-by-side file editing lets you edit multiple Python files at once
  • Opens and works very fast, even on the low-end computers
  • Has all the required features like auto code completion, syntax highlighting, debugging, etc.
  • Simultaneous editing allows you to edit multiple selections, much like in the Visual Studio code

Sublime Text’s distraction-free code editor makes it an ideal choice for beginners.

3. Atom

Available for: Windows, Linux, macOS

Learn more: https://atom.io/

Atom is a free and open-source text and source code editor, developed by GitHub. Atom is very customizable, beautifully designed, and easy to use.

Some of the interesting features of Atom are:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Auto code completion
  • Fully customizable interface
  • Detailed documentation
  • Huge community

Much like Visual Studio Code, Atom is a great choice for beginners as well as experts to write Python code.

4. Vim

Available for: Windows, Linux, macOS

Learn more: https://www.vim.org/

Vim is a lot different from all the other code editors that we have seen so far. It is considered one of the most efficient text editors and having it installed on your system will help you to work with different code files with ease.

Some interesting features of Vim are:

  • High stability and lightweight
  • Plugins for auto code completion, syntax highlighting, debugging, etc.
  • Multi-level undo tree
  • Pre-installed on UNIX and macOS
  • Popular among geeks

Vim is definitely not recommended for beginners who are just getting started. But if you need something interesting and fun, do not forget to try it.

Vim is said to be the code editor for geeks.

Final words

Finding the perfect IDE or Code Editor for Python is like finding a needle in a haystack—it’s going to take time, research, and maybe a few tries before you find one that fits your needs perfectly.

But it’s certainly worth all the effort to find something that works for you. We hope that this list helps you find the Python IDE and Code Editor where you feel at home.


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